Дата кабель Samsung X100

Samsung X100

Вывод Название Описание
1,2 V_EXT_CHARGE charge input
3 AUX_SPK handsfree speaker out
4 TXD1 serial 2 out for debugging purposes
5 +Vbat accumulator out
6,8,11 GND  
7 REC01 power on/off scheme input
9 RXD1 serial 2 in for debugging purposes
10 AUX_MIC handsfree mic in
12 CHARGER_OK power on/off and charging control
13 JIG_REC power on/off scheme control
14 CTS serial 1 CTS
15 RTS serial 1 RTS
16 RxD serial 1 in used for data/ flash cable (shorted by R=22k to pin 18 in cable)
17 TxD serial 1 out used for data/ flash cable (shorted by R=22k to pin 18 in cable)
18 +Vbat accumulator out

Телефон соединяется с компьютером через схему дата кабеля на микросхеме MAX232 или подобную.

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